Unfortunately, like many iconic brands, our designs are targeted by criminals who are producing and selling counterfeit products intended to deceive consumers and profit from our success. Furthermore, there is often a terrible human cost as counterfeiting is often associated with child labor and modern slavery.
On a daily basis we are reporting websites, social media pages and online marketplace accounts that are offering counterfeit FITTED products. We recognize it can be difficult to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit product, especially online. Therefore, always be cautious of buying any FITTED product from websites that offer substantial discounts and avoid any products claiming to be factory seconds or overruns.
Based on our experience we have identified several characteristics of websites that are offering counterfeit product or will fail to deliver the product you ordered:
- The website will often have little to no contact information such as company names, physical or email addresses and telephone numbers.
- The website will not protect your personal data and credit card information and will not feature HTTPS:// or show a small padlock symbol next to the website address (URL).
- The website will sometimes mirror an official FITTED website even-though the domain name may not relate to the brand.
Please note that purchasing products from unauthorized retailers is always at your own risk. You will find genuine FITTED product at, or any authorized FITTED retailers.
If you find an (online) retailer that may be offering counterfeit FITTED products or if you have concerns about the legitimacy of a product that you have purchased, please contact us via our customer service channels and provide as many details as you can (images of the item you purchased, the name and location of the seller and/or the website address).This will help us to identify the problem and follow up accordingly.
We thank you for your vigilance and your assistance in protecting the FITTED brand.
The website is owned and operated by FITTED located at Office 1012 Al Hafeez Heights Gulberg 3 Lahore